In 2012 I had a minute-long piece titled “Life” selected to be a part of the 60x60 Voice Mix, a part of the longstanding 60x60 project created by Robert Voisey. The Mix was played at the International Sound Art Festival Berlin 2012 in the Mitte Museum.
The piece’s source material is solely a recording of me saying “life”, which you can hear below.
I then took that sample and stretched it in various ways using the PaulStretch and native Pro Tools time-stretching algorithms.
I then divided these samples in a variety of ways: sectioning them over time (separating the “luh”, “eye”, and “fuh” phonemes, for example) and over frequency (separating the low, voiced sounds from the breathy, noisy sibilants). I then used a variety of effects and techniques, including granular synthesis, distortion, pitch-shifting, and more, to create different textures. I sculpted and organized these textures and ended up with the final, minute-long piece that was heard at the festival, below.